The power of the confident appearance
This training about powerful persuasion techniques is suitable for speakers of all abilities. Strategic empathy lets you convince your audience with the right mix of emotion and reason. Give goosebump-causing speeches, engage your listeners with emotion and inspire your audience. The Lilit training “The Art of Persuasion & Manipulation” offers you exactly the right tools for doing so: Make use of storytelling techniques, metaphors, and create suspense in your speeches & conversation. Lilit enables you to spot manipulation strategies and gives you the knowledge to use persuasion to your own advantage. Learn how to read & use body language, where to place your negotiation partner and how to apply status communication strategically. Your rewards are on the table: convincing election speeches, more success in sales and the right words to convince your employees.

Appeal with Lilit to your person opposite’s soft side and get others to follow you – through the art of persuasion & manipulation. Take this opportunity and contact us today!