Marietta Gädeke
The woman keynote speaker for your event

Are you looking for a woman keynote speaker? Lilit’s founder Marietta Gädeke offers keynote speeches for major events in Germany and all over Europe. The German Debate Champion knows how to fascinate your audience. Absorbing talent, intellectual engagement, and just the right amount of charm – her outstanding presentations capture even the most critical of audiences. Draw on her expertise in the fields of communication, culture, and female leadership and she will give you a fresh perspective on the world.
Keynotes on Communication & Female Leadership:
- Strategic Empathy – The Pros and Cons of mixing Emotions and Leadership
- Why did I Buy this? – The Manipulation Techniques of Sales & Marketing
- How We Fall for Persuasion Every Day – The Nasty Tricks of Argumentation & Rhetoric
- Tips from the Champion – How to Argue with Competitive Debaters
- #metoo – What feminism means for the 21th century
Keynote speeches on Intercultural Cooperation:
- Intercultural Competence – the 5 Rules for International Relations
- “zee Germans” & the World – How to do Business with Germany
- Germany & Israel – Difficult Legacy and New Chances
- Incredible India – Working and Living in the Land of Extremes
- Brexit & the United Kingdom – Doing Business with the British
- The west in times of terror – What we should (and shouldn’t) learn from Israel
Didn’t find what you are looking for? Contact us for individual topic suggestions.
Dazzle your audience with a captivating speech by our fascinating woman keynote speaker: Marietta Gädeke is passionate about communication, languages and different cultures. She speaks fluent German and English, learnt French and Italian at school and is an autodidact when it comes to Hebrew, Arabic and Turkish. The female keynote speaker is also a role model entrepreneur (a title awarded to her by the ministry of economics) who likes to support founders and future entrepreneurs on their way to success.
Photo: © WUDC Berlin 2013 // Henrik Maedler